How to Be Your Best Self During The Holidays

A lot of you know that self-care is my middle name. I breathe it, eat it, sleep it, and live it! For the last 6 months, I’ve been traveling back and forth between my NC home with my partner and our dog, Myers, and New York (work!). It’s been quite a routine. Every month, I am away for approximately 2 weeks (sometimes you’d think it’s a vacation) and then I come back to the Big Apple, completely booked between family sessions, weddings, and lifestyle portraits. During that time, it was hard for me to eat right, work effectively, and still have the energy to do what I love without feeling burnt out. Thanks to the new V8 +HYDRATE®, I’ve been able to be my best every time I show up to hustle aka be-your-dancing-photographer-while-getting-those-awesome-shots. Ha-ha! However, to slow down a bit and recuperate, I do three simple things.

Read a book & make sure it’s funny!

I love reading. My favorite time to read is immediately after waking up and having my morning smoothie. 

My go-to routine was to make a veggie/fruit smoothie after consuming my herbal tea & a glass of water while reading something funny or inspirational every morning. After a while, it became tedious and I found myself dreading the process of getting the appropriate servings I needed in my green drink. That’s where V8 +HYDRATE came in! With one serving of vegetables in every 8 oz. can, it gave me a few extra minutes in bed every morning to snuggle up with a hilarious novel (THANK YOU!). Less fruits and veggies were going spoiled in the refrigerator because I was too lazy to blend and that extra cash, I can use towards holiday shopping for my loved ones. Not to mention, there are no artificial sweeteners or sugar added. It’s the perfect recovery drink while in between sessions.

LAUGH! No seriously, Laugh!

It is said that “a smile a day keeps the waist skinny” or something like that. I could’ve mixed up the words. But the sentiment is clear. Laughing lightens the mood for me and puts me into a soothing state. To add more fun to the pleasure, amazing food & drinks make me happy and since V8 +HYDRATE has this clean, delicious, and crisp taste, I’m usually over the moon by the time I walk out the apartment. And since V8 +HYDRATE is non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan friendly, I’m definitely going to have to hide these from my partner, in the fear of them going missing (insert side eye at Shevy) and keeping a smile on my face. 

Finally, reflect.

For me, nothing beats sitting in silence and reflecting. It doesn’t matter if its career driven, family issues, or just matters of the heart, take the time to reflect on the decisions you’ve made up to this point and how that pushes you towards your goals. I do this with a drink in hand, and V8 +HYDRATE has been doing its job. What I love the most about V8 +HYDRATE, is that it’s an isotonic drink with naturally occurring electrolytes from veggies and they are small 8 oz. cans that fit perfectly into my photography bag without adding extra weight. Plus it contains only 45 calories. I KNOW! Talk about hitting my goal without touching a blender. Can you tell I hate the gym?

Luckily, I can get this hydration beverage in three unique flavors, so I don’t get bored: Strawberry Cucumber, Coconut Watermelon, and Orange Grapefruit. Will I be indulging even after the holidays? Heck yes! Will I build a secret cabinet to store my V8 +HYDRATE to avoid Shevy, the friendly vegan, from sneaking in when I’m not around to consuming them without my knowledge? I just might. 

 Have you tried the new V8 HYDRATE yet? If not, learn more about this awesome drink HERE. If you have, drop a comment below and let me know your thoughts!

Until next time, stay hydrated during the holidays and I’ll see you in the new year!



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