Be the "B" in Bold

I have done bold things in my life, some exciting and some quite embarrassing.
Two years ago, I decided to take a trip to Virginia (which is 7 hours away from NYC). Right before I left, I had the most ravishing urge to eat an ice cream bar. Bad idea? Yes, considering that I am lactose-intolerant & forgot my pills in my apartment. Did I have a bad ride down to VA? Heck YES! Did I almost have an accident because of that delicious ice cream bar that could've waited? Gimme a Y! E! S!= YES! But do I regret it? No. That trip down was so much fun. I made some new friends and ate new food! Ever since that crazy experience, I have eaten ice cream whenever I want and wherever I want.

Because of my boldness, I was given the opportunity to experience the LISTERINE® Lab and be a part of their #BRINGOUTTHEBOLD campaign! I was extremely excited as I've been using their products since I could remember my ABCs and 123s. That's all my parents brought home to help with our oral care. So imagine my enthusiasm when I walked through those doors and I was greeted by an amazing team of experts, who not only loved the brand but lived it! They created this campaign because they believed that the tingly, zesty formula attracts bold individuals. They confirmed their little hunch by conducting a global Study of Bold to pinpoint the unique attributes of LISTERINE® Brand consumers around the world. What did they find out? LISTERINE® users are more likely to try the spiciest item on the menu, book a trip, and leave the same day or perform a comedy routine. 

First, we were able to sit down and discuss oral care and healthy habits with Dentist/Speaker, Dr. Lee Gause, and Director of Oral Care, Research, and Clinical Strategy, Dr. Michael Lynch. Not only was this an eye-opening experience, we were able to ask questions that every human should know. For example, did you know that dental floss has been clinically proven to be better than dental picks? Exactly! I didn't know that. I thought picks were better because I didn't need to get my hands messy. Boy was I wrong! However, Dr Gause did leave us with a lot to think about. During our discussion, he mentioned that "oral diseases start with gingivitis". How do you know you have gingivitis? The bleeding of your gums! Brushing alone misses 75% percent of your mouth, leaving millions of germs behind in the mouth which can lead to oral care issues. That is why we need LISTERINE®. It takes care of the other 75% that's overlooked. PS: Flossing is also VITAL in having good breath.

Followed by our panel discussion, we were able to meet Principal Scientist, Tara Fourre. She took us on a tour around the lab, with some super cool lab coats on (I felt like the mad scientist..MUAHAHA!). After my Dr. Who moment, I was able to learn that "there were (3) types of germs in my mouth". I have good germs, bad germs, and benign germs. You see that bad breath you've got going on in the morning when you wake up? Those bad germs were growing in your mouth overnight, because "they are trapped in their paradise of a warm and wet environment". So it builds up throughout the night on your teeth and in between them. 

Girl! If I knew oxygen killed bad germs, I would've left my mouth open all day, every day!
After we finished our visit at the lab and returned home, I had a "what have I been doing with my mouth all of my life?" moment. I thought about that time I forgot to brush before going to bed, eating that chili burger and popping a mint in afterward. I thought about it all! PS: sugar adds to the build-up of plaque on your teeth that then leads to gingivitis & you see where this is going? HOLY COW! Periodontitis, here we come! 

I was able to start a new routine since my trip. Now I floss, brush, and LISTERINE® twice a day, every day. My favorite product is the LISTERINE® Antiseptic Mouthwash, because of that minty clean freshness after my rinse. It is also clinically proven to clean virtually 100 percent of the mouth. Keep in mind, that all of their oral care products have 4 essential oils; menthol, thymol, methyl salicylate, and eucalyptol.  Therefore, when you combine all four of these oils, you get the ultimate antiseptic effect. For that, I'd like to thank LISTERINE® for being on a mission to improve oral health nationwide by embracing bold science & for bringing out the bold in my oral routine.  

Have you ever done anything BOLD in your life? Love the gallery below? Drop a line and tell me how you feel about LISTERINE®

PS: Don't forget to check out their #BRINGOUTTHEBOLD campaign!

Comment and let me know your thoughts below.

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