My Season of "No"

Shout out to Ann Taylor for the fit.

So, I’m currently in the season of “No” and you’re probably asking “wtf do you mean?”. Aight bet! Check this out…

Imagine being an overly anxious, super-attentive, people-pleasing, and ambitious human. Now pair that with the fear of abandonment and boom! What do you get? The old me. If anything my last year of therapy has taught me and continues to teach me to never dishonor desires, needs, feelings, boundaries, or the vision I have for myself and/or my business… most of all, never to dishonor myself, even when that MF*ker hurts or brings on a high level of anxiety or discomfort in any form.

Unlearning the need/want to be accepted and understood while learning to accept me in full and validating my experiences, my feelings, and how I navigate this healing journey is a heavy and hard one. I’m known by those closest to me to drop everything if needed and sometimes that is to my detriment. In this season, I’m learning and actually saying “no” when I mean no. No, if I don’t want to do something. No, if I’m not prepared or in a space to show up. No to anything that requires me to dishonor myself, my feelings, and/or circumstances in that moment.

There are those you care for who will say “You’ve changed” and Love, it’s okay. Because you’re not meant to stay the same. Only those that benefit from the unhealed version of themselves will find fault in your “No”… they’ll find discomfort in your “no”… they’ll even find betrayal in your “no”. But at the end of the day, their feelings concerning your boundaries are not your business.

So, go on babes! Keep growing. Keep glowing. Keep moving. Your people are waiting on you if they haven’t found you already. 😘

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