Finding My Balance

Seasons are finally changing, and as my dad would say, it’s time to make better decisions. One of those decisions includes drinking more water and as simple as that sounds, it’s hard. Wedding season this year has been quite busy and you’d think I’d know by now how to stay hydrated. Unfortunately, it’s a fail. I’d rather consume a bowl of eggs than drink water and my tantrum when I have to, resembles that of a child being dropped off at daycare for the first time. It’s a sad sight to see. However, lately, I realized my skin, energy, and diet have been taking the hit because of my lack of water consumption, so here we are! We are finally, creating a balance between health and work.

Normally when making a change, people go for the big things. I like to start small. I started by challenging myself over the last week to drink a bottle of water before noon. I must say, I am proud of myself but I can’t take all the credit. I’ve been consuming Himalayan Water and by the name of it, you might be wondering, “Is it really from the Himalayas?” and yes dear, it is! Himalayan Water is bottled at the source, the base of the Himalayas and it does not come into contact with any human hands throughout the process. The water is filtered through the mountains for about 20 years until it arrives 400 feet below the ground, then bottled and shipped off to its consumers.

At first, when I read that, I was shook! You’re telling me this mineral water that maintains a naturally balanced pH that tastes so refreshing and energizing took 20 years to get to me? I need to see this in person! Haha! On a serious note, the Himalayan Water was easy to carry and I loved that the bottle was clear enough to see through. I like to see what I am drinking and less about the branding. It gave me the electrolytes I needed during long days and left me feeling accomplished. Will I continue to consume? Every chance I get. Can I promise that I’ll continue to drink more water? Yes! I definitely can’t promise it’ll be every day!

So do yourself a big favor, go check out Himalayan Water & share your experience! I’d love to hear about it!

Comment and let me know your thoughts below.

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