Home Is Where The Heart Is

How long does it take for you to settle into your apartment?


Me? It took a year and a half. Long story short, my therapist asked me during one of our sessions why I hadn't put together my dining area yet. Why haven't I bought the plants I said I would love to have? Why haven't put up any pictures and tried to make this space a home?

And all those questions may seem simple to the average person but they were tough questions for me. I didn't give it much thought, but when we got to the conclusion of our session, we realized finding MY HOME was always a difficulty because home was always tied to people.

Holidays were spent at significant others’ homes or their family homes. I was constantly moving around at one point. I couldn't settle in because I didn't really understand or know what home felt like and any minute, this space may just be taken away from me.

So, we made a pact. I would slowly start to add to this space exactly how I wanted it. I was given the assignment of creating the home I needed when I was younger and the solace I want as I grow older.

Safe to say that on December 31st, the last piece of my assignment arrived and although there are small things I want to add here and there to my bedroom and office, I have never felt so safe in my own space as I do now.

Cheers to completing therapy assignments and for creating the safe spaces we want for ourselves (physical and otherwise).

And yes, @marshalls @wayfair@amazonhome @homegoods were literally the only places that I used for this journey. So tell them I’m trying to be an ambassador for a year cause a hoe needs to save her money 😂. I also kept my frames from my last space and added them to the dining area to add a bit of jazz. (Check out how I initially had it up in my bedroom.)

How long did it take to settle into your apartment?

Comment and let me know your thoughts below.

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