Do You Miss Them?

Do you miss them?
The person you were before the world got a hold of your dreams and ruined them.
The person you were before that heartbreak? Before that rejection?
Naive to the pain, but fully aware of the uncomfortable looks matched by the harsh projections?

Let’s have a #CupOfHonestTea for a moment. Sometimes I sit & look through old photos of myself from my younger years. I remember every single detail of when & where the photo was taken as well as how I was feeling that day. There’s an emotion attached to every single photo on my phone and occasionally, I get a little sentimental looking at them. 

Yesterday, while cleaning out my phone (bc we officially need more storage), I came across this one photo. It was taken “shortly" after a breakup while I was being a fuckboi in a situationship. Let’s be clear, I was light on the fuckboi & heavy on the situationship so don’t start judging me. Judge ya mother. Lol!

Anyway, in the glimpse of that photo, I was genuinely happy. My smile reached my eyes, my body language was open, & my eyes glistened. That person (based on the photos on my phone), I had not smiled or looked that happy in 3 whole years. Keep in mind, my ass was a full-on fiance before that. 

Then I so happened to come across a photo from my solo trip to Savannah in 2019 to bring in the new year & I saw that same smile and felt that engulfing feeling of happiness. That’s when it clicked for me. 
I may miss the person I was before, the younger and naive version of who I was. But I’m grateful for her & what she’s been through. Now, I find myself looking at my life, & it’s far better than a girl could’ve imagined while sitting on a bedroom floor praying to God that He doesn’t wake her the next day. 

I say all this to say, miss your old you, but do not go back there. Shed the skin necessary to move forward. Relieve yourself of the deadweight of shame and/or guilt you’re walking around with. Release the tension of the discomfort of you outgrowing the connections + paths that no longer serve you. 

Walk in your purpose. 
Do the work. 
Get that shit done.

Love you. Mean it. 

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