Quarantine Musings

LET’S HAVE A #CupOfHonestTea -
TBH, I’m not in the most inspirational mood.

It’s been a month since we’ve been quarantined (well, some of us). Hearing my friends on the frontlines talk about their experiences & the lack of support they’ve received from the federal government, friends losing loved ones left and right, feeling my own feelings while doing the work to pivot as everything I do (professionally) requires being outdoor or in close quarters of another human being.
In the midst of this, I’ve had my moments of practicing being still, even when a hint of fear or worry creeps in for a second. I’ve always dealt with my feelings by keeping myself busy. This time, I have no choice but to sit and confront feelings as they appear.

No, I didn’t create a course or build a 6-figure brand while on this quarantine. I didn’t run the 10 miles I should have because it would increase my heart rate. I didn’t write that book. I didn’t sell anything or do random things to prove my productivity in this crisis. Why? We’re in crisis and the first thing I’d like to make sure is balanced is my emotional/mental health before anything else. So to the COVID-19 Instagram Life Coaches without certifications and just a bunch of opinions: stop telling people what they need to be doing during this time. We’re all trying to adjust to something that has shifted our entire lives, not just for the rest of the year, but the rest of our lives. People are dying, folks are losing income which will mean losing their housing and their financial stability to care for their families. Folks are literally losing their marbles. So save ya sh*t for your own toilet unless you’re sending kind words, food, money, or flowers... stfu.

I wasn’t hoping to come on here and sound like a Debbie Downer, but I felt the need to share the random thoughts going through my mind. Keep physically + socially distancing from each other. Check in on each other. Take care of your health. Do what works for you at this moment bc there is no right way to grieve. We’ll find our light again. We’ll find our groove again. I basically posted this to remind myself / US to be grateful for the small things. ♥️

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